Sibling Relationship, Emotional Expressivity and Adjustment among Sibling of Autistic Individuals
*Corresponding Author: Noreen Fatima, Department of Adults Behavior, Punjab Institute of Mental Health, Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: +92 312 4511312;, Email: imnoreenfatima@gmail.comReceived Date: Aug 02, 2021 / Accepted Date: Sep 16, 2021 / Published Date: Sep 23, 2021
Citation: Fatima, Noreen. “Sibling Relationship, Emotional Expressivity and Adjustment among Sibling of Autistic Individuals.” J Child Adolesc Behav 9 (2021): 413.
Copyright: © 2021 Fatima, N. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

The study aimed to observe the relationship of emotional expressivity and sibling relationship to predict adjustment in siblings of autistic children. Quantitative data was collected from the targeted population in form of self-report questionnaires. Emotional Expressivity Scale (EES) developed by Ann Kring (1994) was used to assess emotional expressivity, Sibling Relationship Questionnaire developed by Furman & Buhmester (1985) was used to access sibling relationship and Sibling inventory of Behavior developed by Schaefer & Edgerton (1979) was used to access adjustment, Sample Data was collected from both M and F in the age range of 14-20 from various hospitals and rehabilitation centers of Lahore. Correlational product-moment findings revealed that a significant positive correlation exists between emotional expressivity and some domains of adjustment (Empath, Involvement, and Kindness) and between sibling relationship (warmth) and some domains of adjustment (Empath, Acceptance and Involvement). Moreover, prediction analysis revealed the emotional expressivity predict subdomain 'empathy' of adjustment and sibling relationship also predicts two domains (empathy and kindness) in the study.