The role of patient and staff experiance in creating a culture of empathy and caring
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Our pursuit for excellence in nursing care can only be complete with a truly and comprehensive holistic approach, where our actions can be shaped by our patients perceptions of the care they were provided. Their experiential input can inform us how best to plan their care and ensure that it is respectful of and In Nursing, we “know” patient demographical data to guide us on a daily basis to provide better treatments. It is “treatment” However, there are patients’ perceptions wich is diffrents. It is easy to know the patient’s vital signs, but it is not easy to know how they feel about it! We are told, as healthcare providers, to fix the bed’s railings to ensure patient’s safety from falling. However, we are not told to tuck-in the patient with a warm blanket and say (have a good night). This might be due to the fact that we can’t really distinguish between “treatment” and “care”. Suzanne Gordon, said: “true health reform depends on knowing difference between treatment and care”. In other hand, keeping the care providers at top condition is of paramount importance. In order to achieve this, there is a need for the organization to meet staff perceptions and experiance who are the “deliverers” of these services. In fact, staff experiance affect direct and indirect the quality of care and loyalty to a hospital. Therfore, the engagement of employees may benefit a health care organization and result in improved patient care and higher patient satisfaction. This presentation will explore the dimensions of Patient & Staff Experiance and the value of patient engagement and Healthy Work Envoirment on how it is integral to transforming organizational culture and in creating a culture of Empathy and Caring.