To Study the Pattern of Delay in Referral of Patients with Psychiatric Disorders
*Corresponding Author: Ajaz A Suhaff, Department of Psychiatry, SKIMS Medical College, Bemina, Jammu And Kashmir, India
Copyright: © 2020 . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Objectives: To determine the various methods of seeking treatment by patients with mental illness that cause time delay in seeking health care in a tertiary care hospital and time delay caused by such practices among the patients. Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted in patients attending psychiatry OPD of SKIMS Medical College, Bemina Srinagar. For current study the data was collected by using a semi structured questionnaire on basic of demographic information, the duration of illness and the various methods of seeking treatment for the illness. A detailed history was elicited from relatives also to ensure completion of data. Patients will be diagnosed using ICD-10 (International Classification of Disease, 10th edition) classification of mental and behavioral disorder. Results: In our study majority of the patients were in the age group of 21-34 years (46.4%) females (62%), belonging to rural area (76.8%) married (67.5%). As far as duration of the illness is concerned 50.2% patients had duration of illness 1-5 years followed by 29.5% 6-10 years, 20.3% >10 years. Physicians were the first contact of the majority of the patients (33%) followed by faith healers (18.2%), neurologists (16%), psychiatrist (11.4%), gastroenterologist (4.7%) and dermatologist (3.4%). In our study time lapse for the patients in consulting psychiatrist was 41.3% less than 1 year followed by 35.9 % 1-5 years, 16.5% 6-10 years, 6.3% More than 10 years. 81.8% of the patients believed that symptoms were due to medical illness and 18.2% had believed that symptoms as spiritual illness. Conclusion: The results of the study showed a significant delay in seeking psychiatric treatment. First contact was with non-psychiatric clinicians or physicians followed by faith healers. To avoid delay in psychiatric treatment of the patients which has negative consequences for the patients themselves, physicians or non-psychiatric clinicians should review their referral practice and refer patients with mental problems to the psychiatrists much more often and much earlier.