Trigger for Neurological Diseases: Some Clinical Observations
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Global burden of neurological diseases is increasing by leaps and bounds. Prevalence of neurological diseases in developed countries is as high as 32% compared to developing countries like India where it is merely 2.4%. In India, incidence and prevalence of neurological diseases is spreading from urban to rural areas. In addition to regular medication like dopamine and anticholinergic medications from concurrent prescriptions, patients were advised to change their pure iodised sodium salt to natural salt containing micro- and macro-minerals and trace elements without interference to original medication. In some cases natural magnesium supplements are also recommended. All subjects exhibited improvement in their reflexes and quality of life in periods ranging from couple of weeks to months. Younger subjects showed better response. It appears that nerve cells were deprived of required essential nutrition on account of chemical imbalances created by pure sodium in the table salt. This could be one of the major causes of various neurological disorders.