Review Article
Understanding Obesity in Down’s Syndrome Children
*Corresponding Author: Thiago Artioli, Irmandade Da Santa Casa De Misericordia De Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tel: +5511955201133 , Email: thiago.olivetti@gmail.comReceived Date: Nov 26, 2017 / Accepted Date: Dec 07, 2017 / Published Date: Dec 11, 2017
Citation: Artioli T (2017) Understanding Obesity in Down’s Syndrome Children. J Obes Metab 1: 101.
Copyright: ©2017 Artioli T. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Introduction Children and adolescents with Down's Syndrome have a higher risk for obesity. The recognition of physiological and behavioral factors that can increase this risk are crucial for developing personalized plans to approach each individual in order to avoid the gain of excess weight. Discussion The physiological factors that explain obesity in these individuals are hypothiroidism, decreased resting metabolic rate, increased leptin levels, masticatory dysfunction, short sature and low levels of lean body mass. Conclusion Proper exercise and balances diet are the key to achieve benefits in these individuals.