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Journal total citations count 336
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Journal cite score 2.25
Journal h-index 8
Journal h-index since 2019 7

Vinković B (2016) Ispitivanje genotoksičnosti klorpirifosa, imidakloprida i alfa cipermetrina Komet i Komet-FISH testom na produženim kulturama limfocita čovjeka (Doctoral dissertation, University of Zagreb. Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry. Department of microbiology.).


Cardoso MD (2013) O bobo-pequeno (Puffinus puffinus) como sentinela de saúde do Oceano Atlântico / The silly-small (Puffinus puffinus) as sentinel health Atlantic.


Suárez Vásconez CL (2014) Presentación de caso para educación médica intoxicación aguda grave en un joven con intento autolítico (Bachelor's thesis, Quito).


Gutiérrez MM (2014) Pediculosis: a current public health problem: prevalence of Pediculus humanus capitis (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) in kindergartens in the city of Bahia Blanca and the use of essential oils as potential control agents.


Emerick GL (2012) Evaluation of neurotoxicity of enantiomeric forms of organophosphorus pesticides: in vitro, in vivo and neuroprotection studies.


Dermawan B, Hardian H (2014) Hubungan antara aktivitas asetilkolinesterase darah dengan tekanan darah petani yang terpapar organofosfat (Doctoral dissertation, Diponegoro University).


Ferreira DL (2015) Abordagem clínica de intoxicações em canídeos por inseticidas anticolinesterásicos e utilização de testes imediatos (point of care) (Doctoral dissertation, Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária).


Cardoso NL (2011) Casuística das intoxicações clínicas em Portugal: perfil das intoxicações no serviço de urgência geral do Hospital de São Teotónio-Viseu, EPE (Doctoral dissertation, Universidade da Beira Interior).


Brum BC (2010) Avian antibodies as reagents for the diagnosis of human intoxication by organophosphates (Doctoral dissertation).


Suhartono S, Djokomoeljanto RS, Hadisaputro S, Subagio HW, Kartini A, et al. (2012) Pajanan Pestisida Sebagai Faktor Risiko Hipotiroidisme pada Wanita Usia Subur di Daerah Pertanian. Media Medika Indonesiana 46: 91-9.


Zheng Qiaopu (2012) Study on the Resistance of Musca domestica to Marathon. Papers on Insectology, University of Taiwan 1-71.


Gauthier PT (2015) Mixtures of Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Lead to Complex Toxic Outcomes in the Freshwater Amphipod, Hyalella azteca (Doctoral dissertation, Lakehead University).


Dhanushka MA, Peiris LD (2017) Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Acephate on Human Sperm. Journal of Toxicology 2017.


Bernardes MF, Pazin M, Pereira LC, Dorta DJ (2015) Impact of Pesticides on Environmental and Human Health.


Al-Hazmi MA, Waggas AM, Rawi SM (2013) The Effects of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG-600) On the Acute Neurotoxicity of Different Types of Pesticides. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research 2: 62-69


Plautz SC (2013) Importance of the parental environment in determining offspring responses to toxicant stress (Doctoral dissertation, Texas Tech University).


Wang Z (2015) Comparison of the acute sensitivity to chemicals between tropical and temperate aquatic species through laboratory experiments and metadata analyses. HKU Theses Online (HKUTO). University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR.


Naga Prasanna M, Vardhani V (2016) SDS page analysis of protein profile of spleen in male swiss albino mice treated with imidacloprid.


Nutile SA (2016) The science behind Tenax extractable concentrations and their use in evaluating environmental risk (Doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale).


Bara’a MQ, Al-Dalahmah O, Al-Motassem Y, Battah A, Ismail SS (2016) Occupational exposure to pesticides and occurrence of the chromosomal translocation t (14; 18) among farmers in Jordan. Toxicology Reports 3:225-9.


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