Are Endothelial Cell-Derived Microparticles Predictive Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Diseases?
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Endothelial dysfunction is involved in the various stages of cardiovascular (CV) disease development. Microparticles (MPs) originated from endothelial cells as biological markers of endothelial injury and repair could appear sufficLent predictor of clinical outcomes and probable they might use in biomarker-guided therapy. Apoptotic endothelial cell-derived MPs are able to directly mediate a microvascular LnflammatLon and worsening of endothelial integrity. In contrast, endothelial MPs originated from activated endothelial cells might contribute vascular repair and vasodilatation. It has been suggested that endothelial cells release phenotypically and quantitatively distinct endothelial MPs in activation and apoptosis, and that the phenotype of MP pattern can provide useful information reflectLng the nature of endothelial injury. Editorial comment is discussed the role of impaired immune pattern of circulating endothelial cell-derived MPs as a personalized marker of vascular remodelling or endothelial dysfunction among CV disease persons.