Clinical Characteristics of Covid-19 Patients in the Kingdom of Bahrain
*Corresponding Author: J Al-Salman, Department of Internal Medicine, Salmanyia Medical Complex, Kingdom of Bahrain, Email:
Copyright: © 2021 . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Background: Clinical presentation of COVID-19 patients has showed an infection spectrum stretch between asymptomatic infections to relatively quiet severe cases of pneumonia and ARDS. Hence, this study research has examined, assessed and analyzed the clinical traits and the risk factors across COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 patients in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Method: Prospective observational analysis of actual registered prospects that were admitted with known and confirmed
COVID-19 cases at various pandemic centers of the Ministry of Health across the Kingdom of Bahrain that has stretched over nine months (Feb 2020-Oct 2020) respectively.
Results: During the study, 490 patients were admitted with confirmed clear COVID-19 disease with most cases being attributed to male (81%) non-indigenous (70%) patients with the mean age of 41.0 ± 14.0 years respectively. It was notable that the common comorbidity encountered was attributed to diabetes (8.6%) and hypertension (6.9%) whilst, other comorbidities, such as renal impairments (1.4%) and respiratory ailments (1%) were recorded at its lowest. Other aspects such as obesity (BMI>40), smoking, prior CNS, CVS or liver disease were negligible at less than one percent (<1%) respectively. It was further observed that the most predominant present symptoms were cough, low grade fever (37.8-38.3), sore throat and shortness of breath at 12%, 11%, 4.1% and 4.1% respectively. Following that, further other minor symptoms, such as headache (2.9%) and myalgia (2%) were reported.
Conclusion: Our cohort study with confirmed positive COVID-19 (or SARS-CoV-2) patients has showed a lower array of clinical findings that may be further explained because most of the population studied was government allocated COVID-19 center inpatients that were admitted with mild symptoms. None the less, future studies are recommended in order to segregate the gathered data per COVID-19 center and per clinical category of patients to get a more holistic analysis.