Conferences Announcement on Euro Surgery 2021
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Euro Surgery 2021: It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia which is a physical conference which will take place during 15-16 June 2021. The dedicated Conference theme is: Discovering the new possibilities and Innovations in Surgery and Anesthesia. The purpose of the Conference is to bring together surgeons, nutritionists, neonatologists, experts in child development and other specialists to discuss the challenges of the interplay between Surgery, Anesthesia and Pediatrics surgery in the surgery age groups. This meeting will enable exchange of ideas and knowledge between different disciplines for facilitating research and clinical interdisciplinary collaborations focusing on surgery and anesthesia. Let’s join hands for the future of this world, for the Next-gen of mankind, for the prospective and collective efforts to change what is within our reach and means. Our collaborative efforts have the power to change the destiny of those tiny little kids who look up to us, Anesthetists, Pediatricians, Neonatologists, Nutritionists, surgeons and all of us who deal and interact with children. The Conference Sessions Includes: General Surgery and its Specialities, Pediatric Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Neurosurgery, Anesthesiology, Orthopedic Surgery, Surgical Oncology, Robotic Surgery, Acute Care Surgery, Ocular Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Surgeons and Physicians, Advancements in Surgery. Our Organizing Committee includes Renowned Scientists, Researchers and Experts in the fields such as Emily Brockbank, UK, Gwenyth Fischer, USA, Nathalie Rivard, USA, Patrick Pladys, France, ROBERT E Cilley, USA, Stephane Bolduc, Canada. By seeking suggestions from our committee members Euro Surgery 2021 Conference is been designed with 15 sessions which comprises of all topics in the field of Surgery and Anesthesia. All the submission towards surgery Conference are rigorously peer reviewed to ensure to accept high quality submissions by the committee members who are well experienced in their field and from various countries around the globe. If you are looking for a global exposure for your novel research ideas and services, then this Conference would be the right place for you. As we are one of the world’s leading specialist in organizing scientific conferences, workshops, symposia and exhibitions Internationally in different fields like Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business attracting more than 25 Million+ Visitors, 25000+ unique visitors per conference and 70000+ page views for every individual conference would help in quantifying our presenters research and biography visibility to the online communities and get recognized worldwide. As we’re seeing the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) across healthcare globally. In this Conference various eminent personalities will be sharing their clinical expertise, and professional insights about COVID-19 as well as about neonatal pediatric nutrition research to provide you with recommendations to optimally manage the Euro Surgery 2021 of these neonatal patients.