Effectiveness of Eat the Rainbow Nutrition Education Intervention on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Inclusion of Fruits and Vegetables in the Diet among School Children
*Corresponding Author: Mrs. Lillypet AS, Vice Principal, Professor and HOD, Department of Community Health Nursing, Ramaiah Institute of Nursing Education and Research, M.S.R. Nagara, MSRIT Post, Bangalore-560 054, India, Tel: 9980111386, Email: santhamlilly@gmail.com, santhamlilly@msriner.comReceived Date: Dec 04, 2018 / Accepted Date: Mar 07, 2019 / Published Date: Mar 14, 2019
Citation: Joymati S, Lillypet AS (2019) Effectiveness of Eat the Rainbow Nutrition Education Intervention on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Inclusion of Fruits and Vegetables in the Diet among School Children. J Comm Pub Health Nursing 5:226.DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846.1000226
Copyright: © 2019 Joymati S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Introduction: Good nutrition is very important for the Children’s development-mentally and physically. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs) it is said that consumption of-fruits and vegetables focus on health promotion, disease risk reduction and prevention of chronic diseases. To obtain all the nutrients needed for our bodies’ different coloured fruits and vegetables must be included every day in the diet. “Eat the Rainbow intervention programme” is about eating many fruits and vegetables of many different colours every day, which offer different nutrients to the body.
Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of eat the rainbow nutrition education intervention among school children on the knowledge and practice regarding inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the diet among school children.
Methodology: One group pre-test post-test design was adopted to assess the effectiveness of eat the rainbow nutrition education intervention” on knowledge and practice regarding inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the diet among 60 school children of 8-10 years. Structured knowledge questionnaire, practice structured food dairy were used to collect the data from the school children.
Results: The findings revealed in pre-test 73.3% had average knowledge, 58.3% had inadequate practice regarding inclusion of fruits, and vegetables whereas in post-test 95% had adequate knowledge and 93.3% had moderate practice. There is a statistical significant improvement in the level of knowledge and practice after “eat the rainbow nutrition education intervention. The finding revealed that eat the rainbow nutrition education intervention was effective.