Female Genital Rejuvenation and Sexual Function Enhancement
Genital rejuvenation is an umbrella term covering procedures that enhance genital aesthetics, sexuality, and functionality.Today, with increasing life expectancy and women live longer, more than 20 million of women are affected by uterine prolapse, birthing injuries, and urinary incontinence. Causes for conditions such as vaginal relaxation syndrome or vulvovaginal laxity include vaginal delivery, natural aging, massive weight loss, smoking, and atrophy. The decline of estrogen and other sex steroids leads to changes of the labia majora and minora, clitoris, introitus, vagina, urethra and bladder. Estradiol (the main estrogen) controls a plethora of cellular pathways in our body regulating growth and proliferation of cells, barrier function and pathogen defense. The main consequence of lacking estrogen stimulation is the loss of tissue elasticity by inducing fusion and hyalinization of collagen fibers and fragmentation of elastin fibers. The mucosa of the vagina, introitus, and labia minora becomes thin and pale, appears less hydrated, so women start experience dryness, itching, irritation, painful intercourse, and other symptoms. All that affects women’s sexuality and sense of well-being.