Optimizing Physician's Self-introduction to Pediatric Patients and their Parents: A Quality Improvement Project
*Corresponding Author:Received Date: Jun 29, 2022 / Accepted Date: Dec 31, 1899 / Published Date: Dec 31, 1899
Copyright: © 2022 . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Patient’s first interaction is a determinant step for successful communication that affects the care process. However, several physicians may be unaware of the importance of self-and role-introduction to foster a physician–patient relationship in pediatric care. This study aimed to promote relationship-centered care by increasing the compliance with SRI among pediatric physicians to 95%, from 70.9% as the baseline. This performance improvement project was conducted at the Pediatric Department of a hospital in Western Saudi Arabia, from August 1 to October 31, 2019. It was designed based on the Find, Organize, Clarify, Understand and Select: Plan-Do-Check-Act wheel model. Pediatric physicians participated in meetings on patients’ rights, which emphasized the importance of physicians’ self-and role-introduction. Patients’ parents were surveyed regarding their satisfaction with the self-and role-introduction of physicians. Three audit cycles were performed. A significant increase in parents’ satisfaction rates from 70.9% to 85.5% during the first cycle was observed. The target was obtained by the end of the second audit cycle. By the end of the 3rd cycle, a plateau was observed, which was as high as 98.2%. Physicians’ self-and role-introduction to patients’ parents and caregivers is a relevant opportunity to improve care quality and relationship-centered care.