Research Article
Sustainability of Climate Resilient Soil and Water Conservation Strategies Nexus the Practices in Tragedy at the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Northwestern Ethiopia: Economic Welfare Implication to the Farming Communities
Hunegnaw AT1*, Tegegnework GM2, Dagmawi L3, Abiot M3 and Esubalew T11Department of Agricultural Economics, Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
2Department of Plant Science, Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
3Department of Natural Resource Management, Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
- *Corresponding Author:
- Hunegnaw Amare Tesfaw
Debre Markos University
Department of Agr. Economics
Tel: 251931804850
Received date: April 06, 2017; Accepted date: April 28, 2017; Published date: April 30, 2017
Citation: Hunegnaw AT, Tegegnework GM, Dagmawi L, Abiot M, Esubalew T (2017) Sustainability of Climate Resilient Soil and Water Conservation Strategies Nexus the Practices in Tragedy at the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Northwestern Ethiopia: Economic Welfare Implication to the Farming Communities. J Earth Sci Clim Change 8: 399. doi: 10.4172/2157-7617.1000399
Copyright: © 2017 Hunegnaw AT, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
The existing unplanned and intensive practices are sustained at the expense of our endangered natural resources and future generations advantages seem highly compromised. The study was carried out in Northwestern Ethiopia at the Northwestern basin of the Blue Nile, the lower belt of Mount Choke where intensive but traditional farming system is predominant. The study evaluated climate smart soil and water conservation practices, compared the effectiveness of climate resilience strategies across variable farming systems and attributed reasons why sustaining soil and water conservation structures is a tragedy for the farming communities. Formal interview schedule, biophysical data, key informants and focus group discussions were used to gather primary data. The collected data was analyzed employing the Tobit Econometric Model using STATA. The result indicated that the variables like size of land holding (5%), slope (1%), presence of rodents on SWC structures (5%), frequency of extension contact (1%) and training opportunity significantly influenced the longevity of climate smart SWC structures. Farmers in all observed watersheds were found to involve climate smart SWC strategies, usually by mass campaign. However, sustainability of the already made structures is unsecured and get destroyed in less than a year (a tragedy in the area), except in locations with interventions of NGO-supported projects where zero grazing is adopted. In terms of the existing advantages, biological conservation measures (plantation on ridges) were found to be the most effective and sustainable) followed by level Fanyajuu (especially in area closures). On the other hand, soil bund terraces were found to be the least sustainable. Better conservation and maintained structures were observed in highland watersheds than lowlands. Total avoidance of free grazing, public awareness regarding ecological sustainability and setting social bylaws can lead climate resilience and ecological conservation. In addition, creation of public awareness on ecological sustainability can prolong longevity of climate smart SWC structures which can in turn help farmers improve economic welfare.