Research Article
Traditional Ethno-Healing, Environment and Modernity: An Outlook in Darjeeling Himalaya
*Corresponding Author: Sapan Tamang, Department of Environmental Sciences, Bidhan Chandra Agricultural University, Mohanpur, India, Email: sapanbomzon@gmail.comReceived Date: Mar 16, 2022 / Published Date: Mar 16, 2023
Citation: Tamang S (2023) Traditional Ethno-Healing, Environment and Modernity: An Outlook in Darjeeling Himalaya J Community Med Health Educ 13: 799.
Copyright: © 2023 Tamang S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Sustainable development is a global phenomenon and environmental degradation is a major concern of the modern nation states. Since the ages, there is a close relationship between health and the nature. According to Panchamahabhutta philosophy of Indian tradition life consists of the five great elements of nature viz. vayu (air), agni (energy), jal (water), prithvi (earth) and aakash (space). It is also believed that the proper equilibrium between all these great elements of nature in human body is very much essential to lead a healthy and blissful life and disequilibrium between these great elements of nature in human body often leads to causation of sickness or illness of the same. Considering the above philosophical tradition, the present study attempts to analyse the diversified nature and perspective of traditional ethno-folk healing practices and the environment in the context of small Himalayan region of Darjeeling hills. The study also illustrates the devastating impact of unconcerted growth of capitalist economy on ethno-cultural healing tradition in general and the hilly region of Darjeeling in particular. Moreover, the study is based on both theoretical assumption and practical experiences. Both qualitative and quantitative data have been used to carry out the study.