Translation, Cross - Cultural Adaptation and Validation of English "Mishel Uncertainty Illness Scale - Adult Form" into Bangla
*Corresponding Author: Zobaida Khatun, Department of Palliative Medicine, BSMMU, Bangladesh, Tel: 1671523673, Email: zobaidabsmmu@gmail.comReceived Date: Oct 29, 2020 / Accepted Date: Nov 20, 2020 / Published Date: Nov 27, 2020
Citation: Khatun Z, Bailey DE, Ahmad N (2020) Translation, Cross - Cultural Adaptation and Validation of English “Mishel Uncertainty Illness Scale - Adult Form” into Bangla. J Palliat Care Med 10: 383.
Copyright: © 2020 Khatun Z, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

The aim of the study was to translate and validate the English version of the “Mishel Uncertainty Illness Scale – Adult Form” into Bangla for assessing illness uncertainty in patients with cancer in Bangladesh. Nurses use the scale to promote patient care and improve their knowledge by using this scale. MUIS – A form has 33 items on Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) points under four dimensions. During analysis item no # 15 was excluded. Researchers first translate the scale into Bangla and back translated into English through translation process. Adaptation and validation of the pre – Bangla version was accomplished through three successive tests; comprehensively, validity and test – retest reliability. Content validity was found excellent 0.06. The reliability coefficient was very good for 32 items was 0.738 after eliminating some items. α=0.263 – 0.701 for its four factors. The consistency of the instrument with three weeks interval was excellent t=0.745. The Bangla version of uncertainty in illness scale had a good validity and reliability and was useful in assessing illness uncertainty in patients with cancer in Bangladesh. Nurses use the scale to promote patient care and improve their knowledge by using this scale.