Water Quality Assesment of Chole Stream Using Some Physico-Chemical Parameters and Water Quality Index
*Corresponding Author: Nega Kesete, Department of Natural Resource Management, Mekidela Amba University, Ethiopia, Email: negakesete@gmail.com
Copyright: © 2021 . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

This study aimed to assess the quality of Chole River water in Toke kutaye district based on some physicochemical properties and Water quality index. Chole River crosses the town and expected to be polluted by different pollutants. To take the sample for the analysis of the physico chemical properties of water, the river divided in to four stations along the stream, with one-kilometer interval apart from the upper to lower. Water sample were collected using a 500 ml plastic bottle. For each station, some of physic- chemical parameter such as PH, Temperature, Electrical conductivity, Total Dissolved oxygen, and total hardness were observed. Laboratory results using different chemicals were used to analyze the data collected from the sample. The individual parametric result from the laboratory showed that all values of the parameter observed were less than permissible standard of drinking water given by WHO. Some of them were PH (7.9), DO (103.2 mg/l), TDS (103.5 mg/l), EC (157.22 mg/l) and hardness (36.5 mg/le). This implies as chole water suitable for drinking water. However, the best indicator of quality of drinking water, which is WQI, indicates, as the stream was not suitable for drinking water. WQI were varying from station to station. The highest numbers of WQI exhibited was on site three (487.52). This indicates that the stream needs more protection in order to make it suitable it for drinking water. Thus, it is possible to recommend that the people near to the water should have to aware about the problem of the stream and refrain them themselves from drinking it.