ISSN 2472-016X

Journal of Orthopedic Oncology

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Dr Anubha Bajaj

Dr Anubha Bajaj

My previous junior appointments as a Specialist Registrar in Pathology at DMC & H, Junior Consultancy in Pathology at Jaipur Golden Hospital, Senior Residency at Lady Hardinge Medical College have trained me extensively in Histopathology & Cytology,  both techniques & reporting( including a thesis project) & now I regularly practice it.  Currently I am  self employed as a Consultant Incharge of a Diagnostic Histopathology/ Cytopathology Laboratory.                                                                                                                         I am  keen to join as an NHS Consultant in Pathology in U.K. I feel I have all the necessary Clinical, Laboratory  & Interpersonal skills to perform the duties of the post to a high standard. I would see my role as NHS consultant to be  firstly to help share the workload of the pathology department & secondly to develop new services, particularly Cytopathology.                                                                                                      Finally, I recognize the importance of continued contribution to Pathology & of participation in audit, research & teaching.


Curriculum Vitae : Dr Anubha Bajaj


Full Name          Dr.      Anubha Bajaj     

DOB         04/08/1965

Work Address:   A.B. Diagnostics, A-1, Ring  Road , Rajouri Garden , New Delhi -      110027, India.                                                                                                                                                       Tel : 00-91-11-41446785  00-91-98116-93956

00-91-11-25117399 ,FAX: 00-91-11-25847205  

E-mail    anubha.bajaj@yahoo.com,anubha.bajaj@gmail.com         

GMC Registration        No: Applied For (Reference No 6051203)

Specialist Register( Histopathology): June 1993


Personal statement:        My previous junior appointments as a Specialist Registrar in Pathology at DMC & H, Junior Consultancy in Pathology at Jaipur Golden Hospital, Senior Residency at Lady Hardinge Medical College have trained me extensively in Histopathology & Cytology,  both techniques & reporting( including a thesis project) & now I regularly practice it.  Currently I am  self employed as a Consultant Incharge of a Diagnostic Histopathology/ Cytopathology Laboratory.                                                                                                                         I am  keen to join as an NHS Consultant in Pathology in U.K. I feel I have all the necessary Clinical, Laboratory  & Interpersonal skills to perform the duties of the post to a high standard. I would see my role as NHS consultant to be  firstly to help share the workload of the pathology department & secondly to develop new services, particularly Cytopathology.                                                                                                      Finally, I recognize the importance of continued contribution to Pathology & of participation in audit, research & teaching.

Qualifications and professional memberships: M.B.B.S( Panjabi University , Patiala), M.D.(Pathology , Panjab University Chandigarh), Fellow-IMA AMS( IMA headquarters, New Delhi , India).                                                                                   Life Member of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists LM 2070.                                                                                                                   A database reference number from the Royal College of Pathologists( Rcpath) U.K.: 10044009.                                                                                                                 Life Member of Indian Medical Association.                                                                                 Life Member of Delhi Medical Association 7842.                                                                    Registered with Panjab  Medical Council  25543                                                                       Registered with Delhi Medical Council 11052                                                      Member of  Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO)001761.                                                                                               Honours and Awards:

Received a "Distinguished Service Award" Conferred by Delhi Medical

Association on 14th May 2010 at MAMC Auditorium.

Listed in the International Biographical Centre at Cambridge, U.K.as a "Leading Health Professional  World  2011".

Distinguished Humanities Services Award -Conferred on 14th August 2012 on the 98th Foundation Day by DMA (Delhi Medical Association)

Adjudged the “Best Consultant Histopathologist” in New Delhi in 2012 by Time  Research Media Pvt Ltd , on 26th December 2012.

Appointed “ Member Governing Council--Alternate” by IMA- Academy of Medical Specialities , Delhi State Chapter, in 2013.

 Worldwide Achievers 2013.

Best Consultant in Histopathology in Delhi /NCR 2014 by Zee Business & Leadership Awards.

Medical  Excellence Award 2014 in Pathology

Outstanding  Contribution to Healthcare Industry 2014  in Delhi /NCR by Worldwide Achievers.                                                                                                                   Healthcare Achiever of the ear (Editor’s Choice ) 2014 by Med-gate Today

Outstanding Contribution to Healthcare Policies 2015 by 24 MRC Network.

Life Time Achievement to Healthcare Care Industry 2015 by Worldwide Achievers.

Outstanding Contribution to Diagnostics in Healthcare Industry  by India Healthcare Awards 2015.                                                                                                            Fundamental  Contribution to Healthcare Industry  2016 by Worldwide Achievers.

Membership of GAPIO” Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin “ in December 2016                                                                                                          Outstanding Contribution to Biomedical Approach at the Asia Education Summit & Awards 2017 by World-Wide Achievers.                                                 “Researcher of the year”  2018  by Worldwide Achievers 

“Lead Researcher of the year”  with Iconic healthcare summit and awards 2019  by Topgallant Media

“Avant-Garde Analyst” with Covid Warriors Award 2020 organized by Topgallant media.

 Current Post:                                       Consultant in Charge A.B. Diagnostics   January 1996- till date                                                        Histopathology & Cytopathology Laboratory.

The Diagnostic Pathological Laboratory  has the following facilities:

 a) Cytopathology: Routine Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Superficial masses

(lymph nodes/breast lumps, soft tissue masses, thyroid nodules etc).

 Ultrasound guided FNA's of deep seated  masses (Ovarian/Abdominal masses/ PID's etc).

b)Histopathology: Routine processing  & examination of  surgical pathology specimens & grossing.  Microscopic Examination of routine  H&E stained sections.

  Special stains on Paraffin Embedded sections for specific disease

  processes e.g.PAS, Giemsa, AFB , Reticulin etc Relevant Immunohistochemical stains

for relevant biopsy specimens such as estrogens/progestrone receptors,vimentin,CD markers etc (for which samples referred  to the hospitals )

 f) Sperm Separation & Concentration of samples for preparation of Oligospermic/Normospermic seminal fluid for I.U.I. -as a component of Assisted Reproductive Therapy.

Histopathology: Small & large biopsy specimens which I take up for grossing, processing with relevant special/immunohistochemical stains, reporting with a differential diagnosis & storage of archival material. I also receive slides from other establishments for second opinion.

Cytopathology: Patients for Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. I do the procedure ( including Cytopuncture- my thesis project & also USG/CT guided FNAC's). Reporting with the differential, review, storage & audit.

Bone Marrow: I do the procedure whenever requested by the Clinician in relevant cases( Leukaemias/Kala-azar/ MDS/Anaemias/Platelet Disorders) etc & also the reporting ( including special stains such as myeloperoxidase/ Iron stain/Sudan Black B etc). Retain the slides for audit/peer review/teaching.                                                                            Workload Statistics: The diagnosis that I have attempted or aspired on in Histology and Cytology include.                                                            Histological Diagnosis: Oral cavity: Leukoplakia, fibroma, inflammatory granulation, squamous cell carcinoma , granulomatous inflammation, ameloblastoma, dermoid cysts, trichilemmal cysts, epidermal inclusion cyst . Gastrointestinal tract: celiac disease,crohn’s ulcerative, colitis, juvenile rectal polyps, neoplastic polyps, adenocarcinoma large intestine ( well and poorly differentiated), adenocarcinoma gall bladder, chronic cholecystitis,, carcinoid tumour appendix, acute appendicitis, congestion appendix.                                                                                                          Salivary Gland: Acinic cell carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma , pleomorphic adenoma, Warthin’s tumour,  myoepithelioma                                                                                                                Skin Lepromatous leprosy, Tuberculoid leprosy AFB++++, dermoid cyst, epidermal inclusion cyst, trichilemmal cysts, pilomatrixoma, pilomatrix carcinoma , eccrine  spiroadenoma, sebaceous adenoma.                             Breast : Fibroadenoma, fibroadenosis, ductal carcinoma in situ, inflammatory mastitis, plasma cell mastitis, gynecomastia, infiltrating duct  carcinoma (NOS), Paget’s disease, lobular carcinoma, ADH/ALH. Lymph node :  Reactive follicular hyperplasia , Granulomatous inflammation, metastatic deposits lymph node, atypical mycobacteriosis, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, viral lymphadenitis, small lymphocytic lymphoma, diffuse lymphoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma, plasma cell myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome , gastrointestinal lymphomas, fungal granulomas,, lymphogranuloma venereum , cat scratch’s disease.                    Soft  tissue : Malignant fibrous  histiocytoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, haemangiopericytoma, capillary, cavernous and epitheloid haemangioma, lipoma, liposarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and variants, leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma , gastric stromal tumours, mixed mullerian tumours,  hydatidiform mole.                                                                                   Bone tumours : Osteoma, osteoid osteoma, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma,  chordoma, chondromyxoid fibroma, aneurysmal bone cyst, simple bone cyst,. Liver : Fatty change, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis liver, hepatocellular carcinoma , metabolic liver disease, extrahepatic biliary atresia, Wilson’s disease.                                                                       Thyroid:   Papillary carcinoma, Hashimotos’ thyroiditis, follicular carcinoma, multinodular colloid goitre.                                                            Prostate and Testis: Benign hyperplasia prostate, adenocarcinoma prostate  with Gleason grading,spermatic granuloma, seminoma, maturation arrest, Leydig cell tumour .                                                                                                                Ovary : Dysgerminoma, papillary serous cystadenoma, mucinous cystadenoma, teratoma-mature and immature, signet ring adenocarcinoma Krukenberg’s tumour.                                                 Cytological Diagnosis: Lesions of the lymph node Reactive follicular hyperplasia , Granulomatous inflammation, metastatic deposits lymph node, atypical mycobacteriosis, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, viral lymphadenitis, low grade small lymphocytic lymphoma, intermediate grade diffuse lymphoma.                                                                                        Breast lesions Fibroadenoma, fibroadenosis, infiltrating duct carcinoma(NOS), gynaecomastia.                                                                            Thyroid-Papillary carcinoma, hashimotos’ thyroiditis, follicular neoplasm, nodular colloid goitre, thyrotoxicosis.                                                                 Skin/Soft tissue lesions Lipoma , neurofibroma, ganglion, epidermal inclusion cyst, dermoid cyst. 




Previous posts:   Senior Resident: at Lady Hardinge Medical College - December 1994 to September 1995. Various rotas included Histopathology: Gross evaluation of the specimens, reporting, indexing, discarding the specimens. Collecting pertinent data (clinical/radiological). Cytopathology: Includes both Gynae/ & Non- Gynae cytology, performing the aspirations ( USG guided aspirations ), assisting with reporting with the senior consultant. Processing of fluids (pleural/peritoneal/CSF), wet smear preparations.                                                   Class Duties: A practical demonstrator for medical undergraduates. Also discuss slides  with Medical Postgraduates.                                                     Clinical Pathology: Routine Haematological investigations such as peripheral smears/ reticulocytes/ LE cells /urine R/M etc with basics of blood banking.

Presentations:  Myelodysplastic Syndrome/ Cervical Cytology etc followed by questionnaire  & discussion.

Multidisciplinary monthly meetings. Lectures for  Gene Therapy/ The Human Genome project etc.

Junior Consultant

Jaipur Golden Hospital                            

October 1993- December 1994

Routine haematological investigations,

ELISA tests, performing fine needle aspirations, grossing surgical specimens, reporting histopathology and cytopathology.Lectures & practical demonstrations for DMLT trainees.


Specialist Registrar    (Post Graduate Demonstrator):

Panjab University ,Chandigarh.            Prof B.D.Sabharwal

January 1991- June 1993.                      Dr Kuldip Chander

                                                                 Dr B.S.Shah.

                                                                 Dr Neena Sood.

Various rotas such as Clinical Pathology:  routine haematology, urine/ stool/semen examinations, basics of blood banking,  procedures of bone marrow.

Special Haematology: Reporting of bone marrow smears with appropriate cytochemical stains & perform special tests viz plasma Hb, Foetal Hb, LE cell phenomenon etc.

Histopathology: Grossing of surgical specimens,  histotechnology for processing/staining/ special/ immunohistochemical stains. Indexing reports/ discarding specimens,  reporting with the senior

consultant, collecting pertinent data for cases, performing autopsies  (partial/complete),grossing, processing, reporting, arranging Clinicopathological Conferences.

Cytopathology:   Gynae & Non- Gynae cytology , FNAC procedures, reporting, processing fluids, wet preparations, PAP smears, smears for malignant cells etc.

Teaching duties: Practical demonstrations for medical undergraduates, HPE slides with medical postgraduates.

Autopsy Duties: On call rota for a week ( including nights) every six weeks. Performing the autopsies with the mortuary technicians, grossing,  reporting, dispatch, arranging CPC's & storage of archival material.

Presentations: Numerous presentations on subspecialty topics such as neonatal hepatitis, RHD, Gastrointestinal Lymphomas, IBD, Diabetic Microangiopathy etc.

Seminars :  Histopathology seminars with the Prof & Head every week with the diagnosis/differential & discussion of 7-10 rare Histopathology slides. Special haematology / Cytopathology  slides.

Journal club every week  for pathology related topics.                                                         Senior House Officer July 1989- December 1989                      

Gynaecology & Obstetrics   General Hospital, Sector 16,Chandigarh(U.T), India.  

Senior House Officer  January 1989- June 1989                   

 Paediatrics , General Hospital, Sector 16,Chandigarh(U.T), India.

Pre-Registration: January 1988- December 1988

Internship   General Hospital, Sector 16,Chandigarh(U.T), India.


Research and publications: A thesis in cytopathology as a  part of my M.D. curriculum titled "CYTOPUNCTURE: NON ASPIRATION FINE NEEDLE CYTOLOGY & ITS COMPARISON WITH FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY: A STUDY OF ONE HUNDRED CASES". It was the first work done in India  on this technique & the  cases included  superficial /deep seated masses received for FNAC in the department of pathology at DMC & H to be performed as an OPD procedure.                                         A hand book in Cytology : Auxiliaries, Ancillaries ad Automation : The Cytopathological Chronicle” available on Amazon since February 2018 , Book Code: 978-613-7-38343-8.                                                                          A book on The premier Nodal Platform- Sentinel Lymph Node  available at More-books code 978-613-9-45662-8.                                                                                     Numerous publications in various peer reviewed journals such as:                      1) Oncocytes, Lymphocytes, Bicameral:  Warthin’s Tumour.                     2) Viral Monitors in Generation, Maintenance and Perpetuation of Neoplasia.                                                                                                           3)The systems, the synthetics, the systemization.                                                4) Anucleate,  squames, squamous, squamoid and transformations.                5) Monotonous  and massive :Small lymphocytic lymphoma.                              6) Inflammation, immune modulation, proliferation and emergence: Sjogren’s syndrome.                                                                                               7) The Premier Nodal Platform: Sentinel Lymph node.                                   8)Susceptive supplemented and stockpiled: Reactive Follicular Hyperplasia.                                                                                                          9) Susceptive supplemented and stockpiled: Follicular Lymphoma.                  10) Superergogate, sophomore stricture : Pyloric stenosis.                             11) Aqueous, Glutinous, Cavitary : Primary Effusion Lymphoma.                      12) Germinations, Protuberance, Biphasic: Pleomorphic Adenoma.                     13) Acme, Pathosis, Furuncle: The  Periapical Granuloma.                                 14) Visceral Hetertopy , Embodiment and Consanguine: The Pancreatic Saga.                                                                                                         15) Visceral Hetertopy , Embodiment and Consanguine: The Gastric Saga.                                                                                                                16) Epithelial Excrescence, Protuberance , Hypertrophy : The oral cicatrix.                                                                                                                      17) Oral Mucosa: Benignity , Ulceration, Erosions and Papillae.                         18) The Anarchic Braid, Quiescence, Canker: Oral Lichen Planus.                 19) The Frosted Applique , Filigree, Plaque: Lingual Algorithm.                          20) The Phonetic Anamorphoses: Oral Tori and Exostoses.                                    21) Thrush, Plaque, Membrane, Hyphae:  The Oral Contingent.                      22) Bulla, Cyst, Atrium: The Odontogenic Keratocyst.                                                      23) Utilitarian Carcinogenesis: The Hazardous Occupation.           24)Cancerous Caricature , Fester, Transformation: Necrotising Sialometaplasia.                                                                                                      25) Annihilation,  Exacerbation, Prematurity : Necrotising Enterocolitis. 26) Salivary and non Adnexal  Oncogenesis: Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma.                                                                                                       27) Papules, Craters, Umbilication: Molluscum Contagiosum.                     28) The Contagious Orifice: Maxilla and Mandible.                                         29) Nodal, Haematological, Bicameral : Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.              30) Transposition, Apotheosis, Benign Metamorphosis- Lymph Node. 31) The Mellifluous Aetiology : Liquid Based Cytology : Critiqued.                    32) The Owl Eyed, Herculean Chancroid: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.                   33) The Prosperous Goitre: Basedow’s Bonanza.                                                         34) Infective Germination:  Granulomatous Inflammation : Lymph Node. 35) Voluminous and Vesicular: Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma.                          36) Dictums of Surgery and Cellularisms.                                                                  37) Cytopathology : Addenda, Ancillaries, Adjuvants and Auxiliaries.                 38) Cross over and Evolution in Cellular Pathology.                                             39) Genitive Communication : Anogenital Warts: Condylomata Acuminatum.                                                                                                          40) Collaborative and Statutory Pathology Practice.                                            41) The Cartilagenous  Subcutis: Choristoma and Heterotopy.                                       42) The Curiosity , The Geneology , The Pouch: Choledochal Cyst.                     43) The Generation of Neoplasia : Enzymatic and Emission.                                44) Unicentric, Multicentric, Hyperplastic : Castleman’s Disease                 45) The stellar, astral reproduction: Burkitt’s  Lymphoma.                                   46) Inherent  and Indigenous: Collared Cyst, Sinus, Fistula.                           47) Artificial Intelligence and Main-framing in Pathology.                                      48) The memorandum of demise: Programmed Default.                                             49) Ontogenesis and Imbroglio: The circinate pancreas.                                                50) Jowl Cysts, Multiplicity , Taxonomy; Ameloblastoma.                                        51) Pleomorphic and Reniform: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma.                         52) Attenuated Mucinous Gland Malignity : Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. 53) Bisection , Disjuncture, Aqueduct :Pancreas Divisum.                                         54)  Heterotopy, Embodiment and Benign Metamorphosis- Lymph Node. 55) The Anemone , The Porcupine – Hairy Cell Leukaemia.                                 56)  The Nodal Metamorphosis: Lymph Node Metastasis.                                    57) Phagocytosis and Emperipolesis- Rosai Dorfman’s  Syndrome                    58) Shadows and ghosts of the hair matrix-Pilomatrixoma.                                      59) The Reoriented Neoplasm-Post Transplant Lympho-Proliferative Disorder.                                                                                                                 60) The Squamoid Cavitation- Trichilemmal Cysts.                                          61)Ebullient and Exhausted- HIV related Benign Lymphadenopathy.                 62) The Benign Salivary Corpuscular Bassinet- Myoepithelioma.                          63) Patch, Plaque, Tumour- Mycosis Fungoides.                                                 64) Neuroendocrine, Sensory Trabecular-Merkel Cell Carcinoma.                    65) The Transformed Pallium- Mantle Cell Lymphoma.                                                66) Motley and Sundry –Lymphomatoid Papulosis                                                     67) Vascular, Lymphoid , Eosinophilic- Kimura’s Disease.                                        68) The Pleomorphic Immunoblasts- Infectious Mononucleosis.                         69) Adjunctive and Transformed Immunity- Histiocytic and Dendritic Cell Neoplasm.                                                                                                   70) Addenda and Appurtenant –Extra-nodal NK/T cell lymphoma.                     71) Congenital Absence , Pathological Closure- Esophageal Atresia. 72)Binary and Dimorphic- Composite and Discordant Lymphoma                        73) Gluten Specific Autoimmunity and Susceptibility - Celiac Disease        74) The Intercalated ,Fortified Perimeter- Basal Cell Adenoma.                                75) Intercalated, Secretory, Salivary- Acinic Cell Carcinoma.                                  76) The T cell predominance – Peripheral T cell Lymphoma Not Otherwise Specified.                                                                                          


 Courses attended:

Attended the Following Certificate Courses in Delhi State for:

1)Revised National T.B. Control Programme 24th Nov 2002.

2)6th Anniversary CME Programme of Inderprastha Apollo Hospitals-28th July 2002.

3)Delhi State Conference of CAD & Interventional Cardiology- 21st July 2002.

4)Delhi State Conference on Rational Use of Blood & Blood Components-30th June 2002.

5) Delhi State AIDS Control  Society-16th June 2002.

6) 48th Annual D.M.A. conference held at Sir fort Auditorium on 29th May 2005.

7)First Cardiopulmonary Critical Care summit held on 3rd July 2005.  

8)DMA"ONCOVISION" held on 14th August 2005 at DMA Hall.

9)49th Annual Delhi State Medical Conference on 26-27th August 2006

10)IMA -AMS Course on Family Medicine from May 2007 to October 2007

11)Golden Jubilee Delhi State Medical Conference on 7th October 2007

12)IMA -Academy of Medical Specialities-AMS CON 2007

13)HEART PROTECT 2008 at MAMC College on 17th February,2008

14)"Emerging Therapies in Heart Failure" conducted by EHIRC on 24th February,2008

15)WESTCON-2008 , 27th Annual Conference of IMA- WEST TOWN, held on 23rd March 2008

16) Workshop on ATTACK- HEART ATTACK , held on 18th May 2008,at Moolchand  Medicity.

17)Workshop on ECG- practical aspects, held on 1st June 2008, at Moolchand Medicity.

18)Workshop on Arrhythmias, held on 15th June 2008 at Moolchand Medicity.

19)Workshop on "SYNCOPE", held on 29th June at Moolchand Medicity.

20)"GPCON" 2008 held on 13th July 2008 at DMA House, Daryaganj, New Delhi.

21)Workshop on "HYPERTENSION, DIABETES & CVD "held on 20th July 2008 at Moolchand Medicity.

22)MEDICINE UPDATE held on 10th August 2008 at AIIMS, New Delhi.

23)Workshop on "CHEST PAIN" held on 31'st August 2008 at Moolchand Medicity.

24)51'st Annual Delhi State Medical Conference 21'st September 2008 at DMA House.

25)Workshop on "SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH" held on  28th September 2008 at Moolchand Medicity.

26)Worksop on "Dynamic Electroneurostimulation" held on 12th October 2008 at Moolchand Medicity.

27)CME on "Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Paediatric Gastrointestinal Surgery"

held on 19th October 2008 at Apollo Hospital.

28)National Task Force Workshop on RNTCP held on 22nd October 2008 at AIIMS.

29)Workshop on "Cardiac Surgery" held on 26th October 2008 at Moolchand Medicity.

30)MULTISPECIALITY UPDATE held on 2nd November 2008 at DMA House.

31)Workshop on "Heart Failure" held on 23rd November 2008 at Moolchand Medicity.

32) Workshop on "Chronic Kidney Diseases" held on 7th December 2008 at Moolchand Medicity.

33)Workshop on "Thyroid Disorders" held on 4th January 2009 at Moolchand Medicity.

34)Update on "Diabetes" held on 18th January 2009 at DMA House.

35) Workshop on "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases' held on 1st February 2009 at Moolchand Medicity.

36)"Rheumatology Update" on 22nd February 2009 held at AIIMS.

37)Workshop on "Sleep Disorders" on1t March 2009 held at Moolchand Medicity.

38)"Cardiovascular Summit" on 29th March 2009 held at Max Super speciality.

39)"Westcon 2009" on 5th April 2009 held at Panjabi Bagh ,New Delhi-110026

40)Workshop on "Swine Flu & Near Fatal Asthma" on 3rd May 2009 held at Moolchand Medicity.

41)Workshop on "Cardiology Revision" on 17th May 2009 at Moolchand Medicity.

42) "Health Parade " on 31st May 2009 on the Occasion of World No Tobacco Day.

43)"Health Camp" on 7th June 2009 in lieu of World Fellowship Religion.

44)Workshop on "Stress Management" on 14th June at Moolchand Medicity.

45)CME on "Coronary Interventions" on 28th June 2009 organized by EHIRC at Hotel Le-Meridien.

46)Workshop on" Reversal of Heart Disease "on 5th July 2009 at Moolchand Medicity.

47)Workshop on " Lifestyle Management in CAD"  on 17th July 2009 at Moolchand Medicity.

48)CME on "Atrial Fibrillation in Clinical Practice" on 2nd August 2009 organized by EHIRC at Hotel Le Meridien.

49)"Medicine Update 2009" on 9th August 2009 at AIIMS.

50)"Cardiovascular Therapeutics Grand Clinics 2009" on 22nd & 23rd August 2009 organized by EHIRC at Hotel Shangri-La.

51)"52nd Delhi State Annual Medical Conference" held on 13th September 2009 at Hotel Taj Palace.

52)"Advances in Rheumatology- Concepts to Practice" on 11th October 2009 at AIIMS.

53)"Perfect Health Mela " held from 3rd to 12th October 2009- visited once.

54)"Current Perspectives in Management" held on 25th October 2009 at Apollo Centre of Advanced Paediatrics.    

55) Workshop on Winter Disorders "Pneumonias" held on 8th November 2009 at Moolchand Medicity.

56) Workshop on "Liver Disorders" held on 22nd November 2009 at Moolchand Medicity.

57) Workshop on" Chronic Kidney Disorders" on 6th December at Moolchand Medicity.

58)Appointed "Brand Ambassador" against sex selective abortions by Delhi Gynaecologist Forum on 29.09.09.

59)Annual CME of Sir Gangaram Hospital on 29th November 2009 held at India Habitat Forum.

60)"Practical  Vaccinology for the Paediatrician" held at Apollo Centre of Advanced Paediatrics on 12th December 2009.

61) "Emedinews Revisiting " on 10th January 2010 held at MAMC Auditorium.

62) Workshop on "New Practice Based Guidelines" on 31st January 2010 at Moolchand Medicity.

63) Workshop on" Musculoskeletal Examination" on 5th February 2010 held at Sir Gangaram Hospital.

64) "Medicine Update" 2010 on  5th & 6th February 2010 held at Sir Gangaram Hospital.

65) "Gynaecology Update 2010 " on 21st February 2010 at IMA House Janakpuri.

66)" Neurosciences CME" on 28th February held at Mata Chanan  Devi Hospital.

67)" International Stroke Conference" on 12th to 15th March 2010 held at JLN Auditorium, AIIMS.

68)"Westcon 2010" on 4th April 2010 held at City Banquet, New Delhi.

69)" Annual Conference & CME " of Indraprastha Association Of Rehabilitation Medicine held on 11th April

     2010 at AIIMS.

70) Workshop on" Paediatric Emergencies" held on 24th April 2010 at Moolchand Medicity.    

71)Workshop on "Summer Disorders" on 9th May 2010 at Moolchand Medicity.

72)"Endocrinology Update 2010"held on 30th May 2010 at Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.

73)"Involve"( Decision Making Clinics in 2010) on 18th July 2010 ,organized by Fortis

Escorts Heart Institute.

74)"Emerging Scenario in Obstetrics  & Gynaecology" held at Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi

on 1st August 2010. 

75)"Medicine Update 2010"held at JLN Auditorium, AIIMS on 8th August 2010.

76)"India Radial Blitz & 1t World Radial Meet" held on 4th & 5th September 2010

organized by Fortis Escorts Heart Institute.

77)" Infertility Update 2010" held on 26th September 2010 organized by IMA Janakpuri Branch.

78)"Current Perspectives on Liver Diseases" 2010 held at JLN Auditorium, AIIMS on

October 15th & 16th 2010.

79)"World Stroke Day Symposium" organized by Neurosciences Centre, Apollo Hospitals

on 22nd October 2010.

80)"World Congress on Clinical, Preventive & Geriatric Cardiology & Imaging (WCCPGCI)

2010 held on October 22-24,2010.

81)"XXI Annual CME of Association of Physicians of India, Delhi State Chapter"

held at India Habitat Centre on October 30 & 31st 2010.

82)"Nutritional Empowerment for Prevention & Management of Diabetes" on 12th November 2010 at Hotel Lalit, New Delhi.

83)"AMI Course 2010 & Workshop on New Frontiers in Cardiology", held on 12th to 14th November 2010,organized by Medanta Medicity.

84)"Oncology CME" held on 21st November 2010 ,at Apollo Hospital Auditorium ,new Delhi.

85)"Workshop  on Kidney Transplantation" held at Moolchand Medicity, on 28th November 2010.

86)"Sir Gangaram Annual CME" held on 19th December 2010 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

87)"Annual Delhi State Medical Conference " held on 26th December 2010,at Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi.

88)"2nd emedinews revisting" held on 9th January 2011 ,at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.

89)27th Annual Conference of IMA ,Delhi North Zone, held on 23rd January 2011.

90)4th Indo-European course on Revascularization(Indian Chapter) held on January 29th & 30th ,at FICCI Auditorium.

91)First National Heart Valve Summit ,held on January 15th & 16th 2011 at Hotel Surya, New Delhi.

92)Medicine Update at Sir Gangaram Hospital  held on 4th & 5th February 2011

93)Workshop on "Osteoporosis" on 4th & 5th Feb 2011 at Sir Gangaram Hospital.

94)"Annual Review of Heart Rhythm Management" held on 19th & 20th February ,at Hotel Leela Kempinski ,organized by Medanta Medicity.

95)"Hepatobiliary Interventions Live 2011" held on 15th & 16th March 2011,at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon.

96)"XIII th Gynae Update 2011"on 13th March 2011 at Medicos House, IMA Janakpuri.

97)"The Current Practice of Generic & Genomic Medicine"held on 26th & 27th March 2011 at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.

98)"Annual Conference "of IMA West-town Branch ,held on 3rd April 2011 at Hotel Hilton, New Delhi.

99)"Paediatric Nephrology  Update" held at Sir Gangaram Hospital on 10th April 2011.

100)Zoonosis  2011 held at Delhi TB Association on 26-28 July 2011.

101)CME on "Cardiac Surgery & Beyond" organized by Fortis Escorts Heart Institute on 7th Aug 2011.

102)"Cardiovascular Therapeutics" 2011 held on 20th & 21st August,organized by Escorts Heart Institute.

103)"3rd Fertility Update 2011" held on 18th September 2011 at IMA Janakpuri Medico House.

104)Attended Lectures held by Indian Society of Organ Transplantation held on 8th October 2011

at New Delhi.

105)"World Stroke Day Symposium" organized by Neurosciences Centre,Apollo Hospitals,on 28th

October 2011.

106)"Preventive Pregnancy Wastage" Conference ,organized by FOGSI on 30th October 2011

at New Delhi.

 107) Sir Ganga Ram Annual CME 2011 held on 6th November 2011 At India Habitat Centre New Delhi 

108) Annual CME of XXII CME of Association of Physicians of India held on November 2011

109) Gastrovision 2011, CME on Gastroentrology, organized by Jaipur Golden Hospital held on 4th December 2011.

110) CME on Management of Acute and Chronic Liver Failure  organized by Apollo Centre for Advanced Pediatrics and Apollo  Transplant Institute  held on 18th December 2011.

111) 54th  Annual Delhi State Medical Conference held at Hotel Taj Palace New Delhi  held on 8th January 2012 .

112) 3rd  Emedinews Revisiting 2011 held at Maulana Azad Medical College Auditorium New Delhi  held on 22nd January 2012.

113) IInd National Heart Valve Summit 2012 held on January 27th to 29th  2012 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

114)  Medicine Update 2012 held on 10th & 11th February 2012 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

115) Workshop in Basic Life Support on 10th February 2012 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.

116) Medicine Update 2012 organized by Department of Medicine, AIIMS New Delhi,on 12th February 2012

117) Rheumatology Update 2012 held on 26th February 2012 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

118)XIV Gynae Update 2012 held on 4th March 2012 at IMA Janak Puri Medico House, New Delhi.

119)Medicine Update 2012 organized by Mata Chanan Devi Hospital, New Delhi.

120) First National Conference on Men's Health held on 5th to 7th April 2012 at Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi.

121) International Prostate Cancer Symposium held on 6th to 8th April 2012 by RGCON-2012.

122) Westcon 2012 held at Hotel Radisson Blu Paschim Vihar New Delhi on 8th April 2012.

123) Conference on Echocardiography Today and Tomorrow held on 21st and 22nd April 2012 organized by Medanta The Medicity at Gurgaon India.   

124)Metformin Summit 2012 held at New Delhi on 5th August

125)Participitation in 3rd National Symposium on Sleep Disorders 2012 held on 15 th & 16th September 2012 at Jaipur Golden Hospital

126) Infertility Update 2012 held on 30th September at IMA Janak Puri Medico House

127)National CME Programme held on 13th October 2012 at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals New Delhi

128) 8th Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics & AMI Course 2012 held on 5th to 7th October organized by Medanta the Medicity

 129) Sir Gangaram Annual CME 2012 held on 21st October at India Habitat Centre

130) CME by Institute of Neurosciences on 27th Oct 2012 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

131) Antibiotic stewardship and current issues in Clinical Microbiology on 3rd-4th Nov 2012 , at New Delhi.

132) 13th Annual CME of Association of Physicians of India (API) on Nov 17-18- 2012 at Le Meridien, New Delhi

133)  CME on Paediatric Gastroentrology & Hepatology  held on 9th Dec 2012 At Apollo Hospital.

134) Certificate Course in ECG at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute on Dec.16th 2012.

135)55th  Annual Delhi State Medical Conference on 6th Jan 2013 Le Meridien, New  Delhi.

136) “Lumen Global”  held on January 11th-13th 2013 at the Taj palace Hotel New Delhi.

137) 4th emedinews Revisiting 2012 held on 20th Jan 2013 at MAMC auditorium, New Delhi.

138)Medicine Update” 2013 on 24thJanuary 2013   at Medanta the Medicity

139) “Medicine Update 2013”, organized by Department. of Medicine, AIIMS,

 New Delhi on 9th &10th February 2013.

140)Sir Gangaram Medicine Update held on 15th & 16th February 2013

141) Workshop on HIV during the Medicine Update.

142) “Empower AMI’’ at MAMC Auditorium on Sunday 3rd March 2013

143) “Endovascular Diabetic Clinic’’ held on 10th March 2013, organized by    Escorts  Heart Institute.

144)National Seminar on Rabies Post Prophylaxis- Recommendations & Practices , organized by Association for prevention & control of Rabies in India on 17 th March 2013.

145)15th Gynae update 2013 held on 24th March at Radisson Blu, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi.

146)  Annual Conference on Indian Society of Electrophysiology ISECON 2013 on 16th & 17th April.

147)Westcon 2013 held 0n 21/04/2013 at Radisson Blu Paschim Vihar, New Delhi.

148)FOGSI Fertility Initiative on 28th April 2013 , held at Hotel Hilton, New Delhi.

149)National Neurosciences CME on 12th May 2013 held at Apollo Hospitals.

150)Workshop on Clinical Nutrition on 18th  & 19th May 2013 , held at Apollo Hospitals.

151)Endovascular Renal Clinic on 9th June 2013 , organized by Escorts Heart  Institute.

152)Certificate Course in Preventive Cardiology organized by DMA & Fortis

Escorts Heart Institute on June 23rd 2013.

153)National Oncology CME held on 30th June 2013 at Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.

154) Annual Doctors Day Celebration  with a Multidisciplinary CME , held on 14th July 2013 , at Radisson Blu, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi.

155)National Emergency CME held on 21st July 2013 at Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.         


Continuing to attend meetings & conferences two/three times a month, will produce the certificates at the time of the interview.



Also a bimonthly meeting of Delhi Medical Association on various Clinical/Para-clinical topics organised  by DMA at the Local IMA West-town Branch.



Referee Details 1) Dr B.D. Sabharwal ( Prof & Head-Retd)  ,Deptt of Pathology, DMC &H , Ludhiana.

  907/19 , Tagore Nagar, Adj deaf & dumb school Ludhiana, Panjab.Tel: 00-91-161-2301707  , 00-91-9814021606. Does not have an  email.

2) Prof B.S.Shah , Prof of Pathology, DMC & H , 593, Model Town, Ludhiana.  Tel 00-91-98158-09999 , 00-161-2431499 Email: balbirshah@hotmail.com

3) Prof Neena Sood ( Professor, Deptt of Pathology, DMC & H , Ludhiana) 00- Tel 9815500718 , 00-1612301749 Email:drneena_sood@yahoo.co.in

4) Dr Kuldip Chander , Reader(Retd) , Deptt of Pathology, DMC & H,1135-DTagore Nagar, Ludhiana,Panjab. Tel  00-91-9417214027, 00-161-2301110

Does not have an email.


Research Interest

Research and publications: A thesis in cytopathology as a  part of my M.D. curriculum titled "CYTOPUNCTURE: NON ASPIRATION FINE NEEDLE CYTOLOGY & ITS COMPARISON WITH FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY: A STUDY OF ONE HUNDRED CASES". It was the first work done in India  on this technique & the  cases included  superficial /deep seated masses received for FNAC in the department of pathology at DMC & H to be performed as an OPD procedure.                                         A hand book in Cytology : Auxiliaries, Ancillaries ad Automation : The Cytopathological Chronicle” available on Amazon since February 2018 , Book Code: 978-613-7-38343-8.                                                                          A book on The premier Nodal Platform- Sentinel Lymph Node  available at More-books code 978-613-9-45662-8.                                                                                     Numerous publications in various peer reviewed journals such as:                      1) Oncocytes, Lymphocytes, Bicameral:  Warthin’s Tumour.                     2) Viral Monitors in Generation, Maintenance and Perpetuation of Neoplasia.                                                                                                           3)The systems, the synthetics, the systemization.                                                4) Anucleate,  squames, squamous, squamoid and transformations.                5) Monotonous  and massive :Small lymphocytic lymphoma.                              6) Inflammation, immune modulation, proliferation and emergence: Sjogren’s syndrome.                                                                                               7) The Premier Nodal Platform: Sentinel Lymph node.                                   8)Susceptive supplemented and stockpiled: Reactive Follicular Hyperplasia.                                                                                                          9) Susceptive supplemented and stockpiled: Follicular Lymphoma.                  10) Superergogate, sophomore stricture : Pyloric stenosis.                             11) Aqueous, Glutinous, Cavitary : Primary Effusion Lymphoma.                      12) Germinations, Protuberance, Biphasic: Pleomorphic Adenoma.                     13) Acme, Pathosis, Furuncle: The  Periapical Granuloma.                                 14) Visceral Hetertopy , Embodiment and Consanguine: The Pancreatic Saga.                                                                                                         15) Visceral Hetertopy , Embodiment and Consanguine: The Gastric Saga.                                                                                                                16) Epithelial Excrescence, Protuberance , Hypertrophy : The oral cicatrix.                                                                                                                      17) Oral Mucosa: Benignity , Ulceration, Erosions and Papillae.                         18) The Anarchic Braid, Quiescence, Canker: Oral Lichen Planus.                 19) The Frosted Applique , Filigree, Plaque: Lingual Algorithm.                          20) The Phonetic Anamorphoses: Oral Tori and Exostoses.                                    21) Thrush, Plaque, Membrane, Hyphae:  The Oral Contingent.                      22) Bulla, Cyst, Atrium: The Odontogenic Keratocyst.                                                      23) Utilitarian Carcinogenesis: The Hazardous Occupation.           24)Cancerous Caricature , Fester, Transformation: Necrotising Sialometaplasia.                                                                                                      25) Annihilation,  Exacerbation, Prematurity : Necrotising Enterocolitis. 26) Salivary and non Adnexal  Oncogenesis: Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma.                                                                                                       27) Papules, Craters, Umbilication: Molluscum Contagiosum.                     28) The Contagious Orifice: Maxilla and Mandible.                                         29) Nodal, Haematological, Bicameral : Lymphoblastic Lymphoma.              30) Transposition, Apotheosis, Benign Metamorphosis- Lymph Node. 31) The Mellifluous Aetiology : Liquid Based Cytology : Critiqued.                    32) The Owl Eyed, Herculean Chancroid: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.                   33) The Prosperous Goitre: Basedow’s Bonanza.                                                         34) Infective Germination:  Granulomatous Inflammation : Lymph Node. 35) Voluminous and Vesicular: Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma.                          36) Dictums of Surgery and Cellularisms.                                                                  37) Cytopathology : Addenda, Ancillaries, Adjuvants and Auxiliaries.                 38) Cross over and Evolution in Cellular Pathology.                                             39) Genitive Communication : Anogenital Warts: Condylomata Acuminatum.                                                                                                          40) Collaborative and Statutory Pathology Practice.                                            41) The Cartilagenous  Subcutis: Choristoma and Heterotopy.                                       42) The Curiosity , The Geneology , The Pouch: Choledochal Cyst.                     43) The Generation of Neoplasia : Enzymatic and Emission.                                44) Unicentric, Multicentric, Hyperplastic : Castleman’s Disease                 45) The stellar, astral reproduction: Burkitt’s  Lymphoma.                                   46) Inherent  and Indigenous: Collared Cyst, Sinus, Fistula.                           47) Artificial Intelligence and Main-framing in Pathology.                                      48) The memorandum of demise: Programmed Default.                                             49) Ontogenesis and Imbroglio: The circinate pancreas.                                                50) Jowl Cysts, Multiplicity , Taxonomy; Ameloblastoma.                                        51) Pleomorphic and Reniform: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma.                         52) Attenuated Mucinous Gland Malignity : Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. 53) Bisection , Disjuncture, Aqueduct :Pancreas Divisum.                                         54)  Heterotopy, Embodiment and Benign Metamorphosis- Lymph Node. 55) The Anemone , The Porcupine – Hairy Cell Leukaemia.                                 56)  The Nodal Metamorphosis: Lymph Node Metastasis.                                    57) Phagocytosis and Emperipolesis- Rosai Dorfman’s  Syndrome                    58) Shadows and ghosts of the hair matrix-Pilomatrixoma.                                      59) The Reoriented Neoplasm-Post Transplant Lympho-Proliferative Disorder.                                                                                                                 60) The Squamoid Cavitation- Trichilemmal Cysts.                                          61)Ebullient and Exhausted- HIV related Benign Lymphadenopathy.                 62) The Benign Salivary Corpuscular Bassinet- Myoepithelioma.                          63) Patch, Plaque, Tumour- Mycosis Fungoides.                                                 64) Neuroendocrine, Sensory Trabecular-Merkel Cell Carcinoma.                    65) The Transformed Pallium- Mantle Cell Lymphoma.                                                66) Motley and Sundry –Lymphomatoid Papulosis                                                     67) Vascular, Lymphoid , Eosinophilic- Kimura’s Disease.                                        68) The Pleomorphic Immunoblasts- Infectious Mononucleosis.                         69) Adjunctive and Transformed Immunity- Histiocytic and Dendritic Cell Neoplasm.                                                                                                   70) Addenda and Appurtenant –Extra-nodal NK/T cell lymphoma.                     71) Congenital Absence , Pathological Closure- Esophageal Atresia. 72)Binary and Dimorphic- Composite and Discordant Lymphoma                        73) Gluten Specific Autoimmunity and Susceptibility - Celiac Disease        74) The Intercalated ,Fortified Perimeter- Basal Cell Adenoma.                                75) Intercalated, Secretory, Salivary- Acinic Cell Carcinoma.                                  76) The T cell predominance – Peripheral T cell Lymphoma Not Otherwise Specified.                                                                                          

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