Arctic deep-sea system functioning and vulnerability among study limitations
*Corresponding Author: Aubree Jones, University of Rhode Island, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Kingston, U.S.A, Email: aubree_jones45@uri.eduReceived Date: Oct 23, 2023 / Published Date: Nov 22, 2023
Citation: Jones A (2023) Arctic deep-sea system functioning and vulnerability among study limitations. J Marine Sci Res Dev 13: 423.
Copyright: © 2023 Jones A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Most important for the deep sea, juveniles are less dependent on either limited or variable food availability. Yet indirect development, including plankto-trophic and lecitho-trophic larvae, was almost equally prevalent in the epifaunal taxa of our study area, which, in general, supports our hypothesis. This finding is consistent with a growing number of studies documenting the occurrence of pelagic larvae in both polar waters and deep-sea areas. Among larval development types, lecitho-trophs were most common in our study area. This is similar to findings in the NE Greenland, the deep-sea of the North-East Atlantic, and Antarctica, where more echinoderms were found to reproduce with pelagic larvae, the majority of which were lecitho-trophs.