Effect of Spinal Manual Therapy on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Upper Back Pain
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of spinal manual therapy at Thoracic spine on Blood pressure and heart
rate in upper back pain patients. To find out any change in heart rate and blood pressure due to spinal manipulation
at thoracic spine.
Methods: Sample size was 40. It was quasi-experimental study. Patients of upper back pain were treated with
spinal mobilization at thoracic spine and readings will be recorded pre and post treatment (after one minute) of
mobilization. Patients of upper back pain of both genders, Age 20-45 years and have BMI 25-28 are included.
Results: Comparison of pre-treatment systolic blood pressure was 120.50±1.23 and in post-treatment systolic
blood pressure was 117.00±1.56. Paired t-test is used to show the differences in pre and post treatment of systolic
blood pressure by applying the intervention. Comparison of pre-treatment diastolic blood pressure was 76.60.50±6.26
and post-treatment measurements was 77.50 ±7.07. Mean score of pain in pre-treatment group was 5.30±1.38 and in
post-treatment measurements was 1.72±1.43. Mean score of heart rate in pre-treatment group was 73.75±3.34 and in
post-treatment measurements was 81.50±3.24.
Conclusion: As results are showing that the intervention i.e. thoracic mobilization were effective and produced
significant changes in pain measured by NPS and heart rate measured by pulse oximeter and show better results.
Change in blood pressure had diversity in readings after treatment but there were a slight difference between pre and
post treatment. The difference in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure was not significant.