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Nadia S Mahrous, Hemely A Hassan, Fayza M Ali and Tito N Habib
Molecular Geneticsâ?? Lab, Zoology Dept., Faculty of science, Sohag University Cytogenetic Lab, Zoology Dept., Faculty of Science, (Qena) South Valley University, Egypt
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Ecosys Ecograph
Nadia S Mahrous is currently an assistant lecturer at Molecular genetics' Lab, Faculty of Science, (Qena) South Valley University, Egypt. She has MSc in Parasitology (2012), Faculty of Science, Egypt. She has got an experience in teaching practical section of veterinary genetic and genetic engineering in college of Veterinary Medicine (2013-2018), Sohag University. She participated in different molecular biology and cytogenetics' techniques. She is a member of the Egyptian Syndicate of Scientific professions.
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