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Mansi Rajesh Naik, Manish Kumar, Margi Panchal, Masooma Kasid and Meera Parmar
Government Medical College of Bhavnagar, India
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Mansi Rajesh Naik has completed her schooling from St. Francis of Asissi Convent High School, Navsari, India and 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of Med School (MBBS) from Government Medical College, Bhavnagar, India. She stood among the Top 500 students of the state among 2,00,000 students who appeared in the State Board and got admission in Medical School, India on the basis of Government Scholarship. She has participated in the IAPSM- World Health Day 2016 Quiz on “Beat Diabetes” organized by Community Medicine Department of GMC, Bhavnagar. She has participated in the poster competition "From farm to plate" held on World Health Day-2015 by the Community Medicine department, GMC, Bhavnagar; attended the Medical quizes & debates during the National Medical Organisation Conference held at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand – 2014 and; worked as an active member of the Anti-Tobacco campaign held in GMC, Bhavnagar during 2012-13. She has participated in the fund-raising campaign for the "Care of the cancer patients" in 2008 & 2007 empowered by Global Cancer Concern Society, Gujarat, India under the guidance of teachers of SFA Convent high School, Gujarat. She interacted with the HIV-AIDS suffering patients during her school time and recorded their experiences under the “HIV Awareness Programme” conducted by National Aids Control Organisation (NACO)-2007 and also served the Leprosy patients for 2 months along with a team of 6 fellow students during her school time.
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