Prevalence of obesity during growth has had recently an increased secular trend, manifested also by earlier onset of Adiposity
Rebound (AR), an increased amount and changed distribution of the adipose tissue (mainly on the trunk). Physical Activity
(PA) has been found most often markedly reduced. Growth in height is temporarily accelerated; due to that, Physical Fitness (PF;
especially aerobic, cardiorespiratory one) is reduced along with skill, endurance and motor development. This situation reduces
even more PA, resulting in further worsening of obesity. Present or later development of metabolic syndrom, cardiovascular
diseases, orthopedic and psychological problems can accompany early start of increased adiposity. Various approaches starting
with a monitored diet have been suggested and elaborated for intervention, obesity treatment and prevention, with the emphasis
on r�©gimes with increased PA and special exercise. Best results with regard to BMI and fat reduction along with increased PF and
reduction of metabolic disorders in specialized pediatric centers, summer camps with adequate control and guiding by physical
education pedagogues and nutrition specialists have been achieved; however, positive results of these interventions have been
mostly only temporary. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to a permanent regime of both increased PA and monitored diet
without interruption, which always increases adiposity and reduces PF. In such a case it is recommendable to repeat interventions
more times . However, as best management of obesity during growth, an early intervention and prevention, using natural factors
as an optimal PA regime along with monitored adequate diet are suggested and elaborated.
Email: jparizkova@endo.cz